Script as HTML

Written by — Posted in Articulate Presenter

Yesterday I wrote about providing slide notes to your users or learners by Publishing to Word Notes. That is one of many potential approaches to achieve similar results. Another option is to leverage the Web Object feature of Articulate Presenter.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Convert your script or slide notes to HTML using one of these methods:
  2. Save your new HTML document as index.htm or index.html and place it in its own directory (e.g., name the directory script).
  3. In PowerPoint, go to your first slide, then Articulate -> Insert Web Object to launch the Web Object Wizard.
  4. Click Browse to locate your directory (point to the directory containing your index file).
  5. Set the Display option to be In new browser window.
  6. Complete the Wizard.

Optionally, you could add a note on your first slide notifying your users or learners that a script should open in a new window containing the slide notes or script.

This solution can also help you in developing content that meets Section 508 compliance.

(Thanks to Articulate’s own Don Freda, VP of Sales, for recommending this solution.)

4 responses to “Script as HTML”


Hi! I tried the solution proposed here and though it works, I wanted to ask if it’s possible to:

1) Embed an icon that can be clicked, “view transcript”

2) Make the box that pops up a set size and position on the screen
3) Change the title on the popup screen to “Audio Transcript”

Thank you!

Edz Guanko // Posted at 2:28 pm on February 14th, 2012

Hey EDZ 🙂

1) Yes, simply add the icon you want your users to click, right-click it, and select “Hyperlink”. More info can be found here:

2) Yes, you can learn all about your choices here, specifically in #5:

3) Yes, you can customize that to whatever you specify in the title tag in the HTML

Hope that’s helpful! If you have any further questions, feel free to visit our Heroes community forum:

Peter Anderson // Posted at 5:04 pm on February 14th, 2012

Hi Edz.If you are familiar with web page design, you could theoretically do that as a web object but there’s nothing in Presenter built in that would allow you to do that.

Justin Wilcox // Posted at 8:01 am on February 15th, 2012

Great, I’ll try this 🙂 Thanks a lot!

Edz Guanko // Posted at 10:34 am on February 15th, 2012

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