I build a lot of templates and shareable files, so I often use system fonts. I do this so I don’t need to worry about fonts not being installed on the other person’s computer. Most of the time I stick with Open Sans. It’s a nice clean font family that has plenty of options. And it’s one people usually have.
When it comes to working with fonts, I’m not a designer, so I like to keep it simple. I usually look for a title, body, and maybe an extra one for emphasis. So I may have a style guide that looks like this:

However, sometimes system fonts can get a little boring. And besides, we all have certain fonts that we really like, that is until they’re overused…like papyrus. Here are (were) some of my favorite go-to fonts. They’re ones I actually know the names of and can locate on my computer.
- I like Skippy Sharp for handwriting. But it has gotten a bit old and a lot of people use it now. They need to make a Skippier Sharper font.
- I use Action Man for comic style modules. But I may go back to the retro Comic Sans which is like the Stranger Things of fonts.
- I like the slab fonts for headlines. Rockwell is a nice one. But again, it’s starting to get overused.
- I used to like Pacifico, until others found it, too. Now my fonts aren’t making me special. I’m an iPhone 7 in an iPhone X world.
- Franklin Gothic is a nice clean font family. As is Helvetica and the many knockoffs.
Today, I was thinking about how many of us have our favorite fonts that we like to use. In fact, if I see a project from someone on our team, I can usually guess who build it by the fonts used in the module.
When I’m in a pinch, I always know I can go with Rockwell for a title, the Open Sans family for body/emphasis, and Skippy Sharp for an accent.
So I was wondering what you use:
- What’s your favorite title font?
- What’s your favorite font combination?
- What’s your favorite handwritten font?
- What do you do to add emphasis to the text? Do you use a new font, bold, or recolor?
Feel free to share what you use in the comments.
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